Monday, April 23, 2012

Adventure Time!

So I've got two trips coming up this summer. One is to the ol' stomping grounds of Philadelphia to watch one of the ol' college crew take a ride on the ol' matrimony pony. While it is not particularly relevant to architecture or design as a whole, the ceremony will be at the Morris Arboretum and if organic architecture theorists are to be believed, that is all you need for inspiration.

Also, according to Prof. Fears, nature is part 2 in the
Ideas Crucial To Every Thoughtful Person.

 Part 1: Beauty, Part 2: Nature, Part 3: History

While I am inclined to agree, I have to admit 'nature' is an abstract concept as is 'beauty' and 'history', so you can take from them what you will.


The other trip coming up is to that city of mystery and enchantment, voodoo and debutantes, Louis Armstrong and Tennessee Williams, that's right - New Orleans.

After the return I will be sure to give a full architectural report. However, in the mean time, it got me thinking.

JoFeb had previously introduced the idea of a google map for our Arch-i-tour to Boston, MA. I have copied her example on all of my adventures since then.

So now, I share with you my google maps for the following cities:

New York
Los Angeles,
New Orleans

If anyone has any sites they think would improve these maps, suggestions are always appreciated.


Friday, April 20, 2012

It's Friday!

And we all know what that means...


Sunday, April 15, 2012

ARE: Programming, Planning & Practice

I took this exam on Monday of last week - it was my last exam in the "accelerated" approach to the ARE.  I definitely recommend saving this puppy for last, if you are trying to bang them all out in less than a year.  It contains lots of overlapping information.

I did not allow myself a ton of study time for this one, a.) because I still felt pretty sharp on the material from the earlier tests, b.) I scored 81% on the NCARB practice exam, and c.) I had 80 million things going on in the 3 weeks between BDCS & this one!

I felt good about the vignette - there is only one correct solution for the vignette, so it's a pretty clear and quick one.  The only preparation I did for the vignette was the NCARB practice one.

The multiple choice, I feel as I always do, like I studied the wrong material.  I had intended to review NCARB's sample AIA documents, but never got to it.  In retrospect, that would have been helpful.

There were a few history questions on this exam, for which I never study.  I think I usually get the history questions wrong.  I am finding, however, that there is somewhat of a theme to the history questions, so if I have to retake this exam I will add that theme to my study list.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Haters Gonna Hate

Maybe the best jumping off point for Art discussion I've seen in a while.....

Though it still can't explain this...