Sunday, March 29, 2015

Adventures in Office Sitting

As my contract was drawing to a close, I was starting to get nervous. Not that I hadn't saved enough to be alright financially, more like "what am I going to do once this job is over?". I could go to Hawaii (where my brother lives) until something else crops up. Or back to Europe to, as is the parlance of our times, "dick around". Or I could stay in New York and go back to writing full time. In the end, none of these were selected.

I'm pleased to say I have a full time job as an Associate Architect at an international firm. Which is nice, because for a while, it was a little like that scene in "The Princess Bride" where Wesley describes his life on the pirate ship. 

"Good night. Good work. I'll most likely kill you in the morning"

Now with that load off my shoulders. I can begin phase 2 of my plan which is, of course, to become the Dread Pirate Roberts.