Sunday, March 18, 2012

The World is Lit by Lightning

It was a glorious day today, just...just beautiful.

So like the pilgrims of old, who left their homes after long, hard winters to refresh their minds, hearts and souls, I decided to go outlet shopping.

I wish it had put me worse mood. I really do. For some reason, it seems to be a detriment to my otherwise feminist objectives. But what can I say...


To counteract this vapid and superficial joy, I sought to do something more serious. Like watch "The Glass Menagerie". Sadly, not even Sam Waterson and Katherine Hepburn's depressing and poignant dialogue or the related unicorn murder could kill my great mood. NOT TODAY TENESSEE WILLLIAMS!

So as my happiness cannot be squashed by more cultural pursuits, it has been turned towards the display of architecture jokes. Because let's face it, most architects just aren't that funny.

To date, I think it may just be Robert Venturi. Still he's not even "ha-ha" funny. More like "oh how droll" funny. Ivy leagues. Whatevs. Of course there's always James Wines if you want to go wry.

But I digress.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C (Which is more about construction):

Exhibit D:


Exhibit E:

More can be found here:
Because "adapting" (i.e. light intellectual property theft) is the essence of architecture

Exhibit F:
Cabin Porn or...
oooh. damn you lookin so pine.

I suppose since we had a flow chart earlier, it's good to end with one as well:

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