Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I turned in my cocktail napkin sketch to the arch record competition- I would have posted them as well, but my scanner wasn't working and it seemed unethical to use my work's scanner. Though the thing that I found interesting was that the competition parameteres did'nt specify as to whether or not the sketch had too be based off of your idea, or of a famous building. I figured I would my bases and turned in 3 based off of buildings and 3 based off of my own design. The buildings I based my sketches off of are as followed:

1 comment:

  1. ooo good choice, Corm! next time snap a photo with yo' camera or something - I think I would love to see your cocktail napkin creations! i didn't do it because I suck... but you have a tendency to win art contests, so I'm rooting for you and will naturally take partial credit for your win. ;-)
