Tuesday, October 2, 2007

This week in the wide world of Academia

I just got back from my first test this semester, and not to sound over-confident, but I feel pretty confident. The test was for my architectural theroy class, Contemporary Interneraries of European Architecture (Or as I like to call it,"What the hell is going on with all this glass buisness?").

The test was about Berlin and Amsterdam, fortunately two places I had been before so the context made a lot more sense. Specifically Deconstructionist influences in both of these cities. The Deconstructionst movement is interesting because it's not "technically" a movement. It's more like a bunch of people who make buildings out of abstract concepts that would n-e-v-e-r fly in a crit. As a side note Rem Koolhaas is the scariest looking man of all time. Don't believe me?


check it.

However not everything was hunky-dorey in the land of academics. I unfortunately slipped up a little in Photography. I've come to the discovery that I am no good at photographic portraiture. When the people I took pictures of looked good, the compostition was bad. When the composition looked good, the people looked bad. It was'nt a lose-lose situation, more of a meh-i guess situation, which is sometimes worse. On the plus side it gives me the edge that next week I'll do better, it's night-shots and I think i'm going to buy one of those tripods they sell down by the colloseum for 6 euros. However it is to be mentioned that the prof did like the picture I took of the heels of my feet (at least 7 blisters from a night on the town, mostly bloody and crusty. Just picture that giant on a wall in a dark room, so gross and I loved it.)

This saturday is Pompeii, and I'm also hoping to book my fall break trips. Paris, London and Glasgow. woot.

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