Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love Letters to Dead Architects: Of Telephones and Tyrants

Abbot Suger,

Greetings from a far. I have heard of the great comissioning of a great cathedral. Do you worry, sir, that it will be percieved the wrong way? That this wonderful new "Gothic" style will be taken as a showboating attempt? France cannot afford to lose face in these uncertain times. What with sexy and violent English monarchs seducing the hell out of our dear French
queens and then unfortunetly being very good at fighting, it is now more that ever we should forget our petty politics and focus on the greater goals. Then again, I may be wrong, your attempts may be, in earnest, for the glory of God and the saving of souls. Surely a Catherdral filled with the majesty of pure light would never be taken as a giant 'we're better than you' to England. What with their craggly, boorish and brutal castles. This catherdral is a step towards the future, a step out of chaos, a step for France.

With love,

Retly Corm

Daaaaaaaaymn Louise Blanchard Bethune, you fine.

yo. yo. yo. girl lemme get your number...come on gurl the telephone was only invented last what's yo number..1?2?3?4? 5?'s 5 isn't it. Well don't worry..I'll just keep trying numbers 'til I find you. So what you doin' here? Drafting? Damn girl..not a lot of ladies do fact you are the first fine piece of lady meat I have ever seen professionally following an architectural career. I like it. Independant ladies.
Making money..huh? 'Your compensation is unfairly poor'. You KNOW that ain't right. So you got a boyfriend? Is he big? Is he coming back soon? You married? you are. you work with him. Then you must need a break. Shiiiiii girl you gimme your number I promise I won't call it all the time, just when little mama needs a break you know. Oh you gotta go..well that's cool. I'll be here tomorrow to look at your lovely face..girl you filling out that hoop skirt.

- Retly Corm

Monday, September 12, 2011

Preview: You can't buy me love, but I will fight you for free

Hold on to your hats boys and girls: Love Letters to Dead Architects will be making a return sometime this month. I was recently given a marvelous gift which reminded me there are still some really important architects who I have completely glossed over.


Also: should you ever be in the charming city that reads, Baltimore, on a Monday morning stop by the Baltimore Basilica for an architecture tour from someone who is, quite possibly, the world's laziest Catholic. (yours truly, who is, truly yours)

I will tell you tales of nationwide excommunication, rigged lotteries, professional jealousy, political agendas, persecution, fire, war and ARCHITECTURE.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Emerging Professionals Companion

We had one of our quarterly Pennsylvania Associates Committee conference calls this afternoon.  A little-known website was on the agenda and was news to most of us.  I haven't delved into it too much just yet, but it appears to provide opportunities for accumulating IDP hours/credits in every category.  You just need to have your supervisor approve it through e-EVR.

The Emerging Professionals Companion

Check it out and if you have any success let me know!  I hope to look into some of my hard-to-reach categories tonight.