Especially the BEST Stores from the late 70s/Early 80s. Are they one-liners? Yes. Are they arrogantly, almost painfully postmodern? Yes

But are they architecture? For two reasons:
1. They make you actually think about a Vernacular that is often taken for granted. "Big Box Building", AKA The Walmarts, K-Marts, etc. for better or worse ARE a part of our culture. Maybe not the most charming or unique aspect, but they exist for a reason, and much like the deep-fried Oreo, you don't admit you enjoy them, but you do. On top of that the Big-Box one-liners are instantly likeable because is a self-depricating humor, something that an arrogant field like architecture does not typically take to. It's a pretty great thing that James Wines took a vernaular that is universally and naturally homogeneous, and made each one original. There's method in the meshugas.
2. Structure. I know it sounds podantic, but it takes a lot of engineering to get a brick to peel.
I found these videos on A Daily Dose of Architecture, and thought to share them here too.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Now, the real tradgedy is that some of SITE's structures have been either taken-down or abandonned. The "Tilt" Building in Towson, MD and the "Peeling" Showroom in Richmond VA being the two main examples. However, If you're interested in seeing them in person below are the addresses for a few of them.
Best Forest Showroom
9008 Quioccasin Road, Richmond, VA 23229
Best Notch Showroom
1901 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95815
Best Hialeah Showroom
5310 West 20th Ave Hialeah, FL 33016
Best Notch Showroom
1901 arden way sacramento ca 95815
Best Hialeah Showroom
5310 West 20th Ave Hialeah, FL 33016
Intermediate Façade Showroom
Alameda-Genoa Shopping Center, Kingsport Rd & Kleckley Drive, Houston, TX 77075
port Rd & Kleckley Drive, Houston, TX 77075

I am interested and I think it would be pretty badass. Are the addresses listed locations of the stores that are still intact?
ReplyDeleteI think the Best stores are "one-liners," but after visiting Philip Johnson's complex, I think a lot of his buildings there are "one-liners" as well. I think it's just a matter of whom you sleep with, as to whether your architecture is canonical or not.
forest showroom is the only one left... it'sa church now.