Tuesday, November 13, 2007

maybe you should just drink a lot less coffee.

Pictures + geek out today

Renzo Piano is amazing. You might now him from his imfamous Centre Georges Pompidou. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_Georges_Pompidou )  Which is what it is, innovative but perhaps a little presumptious. However I went to his concert hall the other day and I was completely blown away. COLOR! He uses Color! No one ever uses color in their buildings! Finally someone who was not afraid to be snubbed by the neo-modernist crap that says "white is the only color you need".  


Materiality here is amazing, he only uses lead, rubber, cherry wood and steel but it's perfect in the enviornment. 


While we were there, a classmate Bryan and I got into a fight about what the roof was made out of. He said metal, I said rubber.


we were both right. lead for the structure, rubber for the acoustics. but still, there was more rubber than lead so I was crazy right. This picture dosent really show it but I was soooo crazy right.


There's also this sweetness where the three "beatles" rotate around a big courtyard that doubles as a fourth stage...genius.

The cool thing about all this is that it was originally organized differently, however when they discovered the remains of a ancient roman villa Piano built it into the program. Now they have a mini-museum dedicated to the villa INSIDE the concert hall, he never touched the villa and made it really easy for archeologists to excavate.

and then for fun I took pictures of leaves and busses,

you may notice that they're all the same color scheme...that was not intentional but it was delightful, delicious AND delovely. 

On a sadder note,

The city of Rome is in a bit of an uproar today. It turns out that two days ago there was a fight north of Rome when two rival groups of soccer fans ran into each other at a bar. The cops came in and broke it up, but the respective fans were still fighting until both groups got back into their cars and drove off. Apparently there was an accidental shot fired and one of the fans was killed. The Roma soccer fans were so outraged at the police that they cancelled the soccer game and started vandalizing government buildings, cop cars and the former olympic buildings in the area. I thought about going to the game that night, but when it came down to it, the tickets were sold out. A lucky break I feel. 

However it's a very strange occurance because Rome dosent really ever have violent crime, petty crime all the time, but when it comes to people getting killed, it's not very common. They take killing, even accidental killing very, very seriously. It makes me wonder if there would have been the same reaction back home, or would we have just continued with the game with no more than a "how unfortunate".  We'll never know. 

On a more cheerful note, I need ideas for a drawing series. I think i'm going to do the anagram Roma e Amore and do a series of Venus statues around Rome. The Vatican Museum , Borghese Museum, the like. Because, despite it's problems, I do love Rome. 

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